Session 2. Monday Afternoon, April 23, 2012

SESSION 2. Monday Afternoon, April 23, 2012
13:35@skynewsgathererInquest resumes PC John Gallagher now called. He was on foot patrol when asked to go to Gareth's flat
WITNESS: John Gallagher
13:38@skynewsgathererThe PC pressed the buzzer to flat 4 but when there was no answer he was let in to the communal hallway by a neighbour
13:41@skynewsgathererPC Gallagher checked the mail then went upstairs to flat 4. There were no signs of forced entry
13:43@skynewsgathererA neighbour said they hadn't seen Gareth Williams for more than a week, maybe two weeks
13:44@skynewsgathererPC Gallagher then went into the flat after getting key from lettings agent
13:48@skynewsgathererLetting agent undid two door locks then PC Gallagher went in to look for Gareth Williams
13:50@skynewsgathererPC Gallagher now talking through his search of the flat. There was a mobile phone on the table and two SIM cards
13:51@skynewsgathererAlso in the flat was a ladies wig and a laptop case. The lights were on despite it being daylight outside
13:55@skynewsgathererPC Gallagher said there were a number of full yellow sports hold alls in a bedroom
13:56@skynewsgathererThe duvet cover was half off the bed and there were neatly folded clothes on top of the bed. A bath robe was on the floor
14:04@skynewsgathererPC Gallagher then went into the on suite bathroom and found a red North Face bag in the bath
14:05@skynewsgathererPC Gallagher noticed a smell when he went into the bathroom. He said the zips on the bag were padlocked together
14:07@skynewsgathererPC Gallagher said his first thought was that he had entered a crime scene. He lifted the bag up by about 6-7 inches to reveal red fluid
14:10@skynewsgathererAnother officer was called. He cut open the bag and found the body of Gareth Williams
14:11@skynewsgathererPC Gallagher noted that he didn't remember seeing any toiletries in the bathroom
14:15@skynewsgathererPC: 'It stuck in my head that the place was pretty sparse.'
14:18@skynewsgathererPC Gallagher says he can't remember whether the bathroom light was on when he got there or if he turned it on automatically
14:20@skynewsgathererStatement from estate agent Vanessa Scott now being read to the inquest. She provided the keys to allow police into flat
WITNESS: Vanessa Scott
14:22@skynewsgathererFlat was one of four in the building. It is on the third floor
14:24@skynewsgathererMs Scott said she saw a note on the floor which she had written on August 23. There was a second hand written note addressed to Gareth
14:25@skynewsgathererDS Paul Colgan now called to give evidence
WITNESS: Paul Colgan
14:26@stone_skynewsStill at inquest into death of Gareth Williams - no tweets as was in inquest room. Now in annex. Read @skynewsgatherer timeline for updates
14:29@stone_skynewsHere's the latest from GCHQ code breaker Gareth Williams inquest-we've heard from his sister & first PC to enter flat:
14:31@skynewsgathererDS Colgan followed in PC Gallagher's footsteps to the en suite bathroom. He describes a large orange bag, with 2 black zips padlocked
14:32@skynewsgathererDS Colgan made a 3 inch cut in the bag and looked inside. He said it was clear there was a body in it
14:43@skynewsgathererDS Colgan explaining what happened after he found the body. Instructing crime scene officers etc
14:47@skynewsgathererThe names of anyone who entered the flat after the body was found would have been recorded says DS Colgan
14:51@skynewsgathererDet Chief Supt Hamish Campbell now giving evidence about chain of command of enquiry with homicide officers and intelligence services
WITNESS: Hamish Campbell
14:53@skynewsgathererAnyone entering crime scene would have their details recorded, this included members of SO15 (counter terrorism) and MI6
15:00@skynewsgathererDCS Campbell tells coroner that he is not aware of any other agencies carrying out investigations into Gareth Williams death
15:07@skynewsgathererDCS Campbell says he had full cooperation from SIS
15:11@skynewsgathererInquest into death of Gareth Williams has adjourned for the day. Resumes tomorrow at 0930
END OF SESSION 2. Monday Afternoon, April 23, 2012

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